There are so many different types of tape and many different uses for tape. Today we’re going to talk about double-sided tape, especially those that Stampin’ Up! carries.
As paper crafters we are most familiar with and mostly use double-sided tape. We use it to adhere the different layers of our projects together. Stampin’ Up! carries three different types of double-sided adhesives. Stampin’ Seal, Stampin’ Seal +, and Tear & Tape.

Stampin’ Seal is the new basic tape adhesive that replaces SNAIL adheisive. Stampin’ Seal is a double-sided tape that comes on a cartridge in it’s own dispenser. When the tape runs out you can replace the cartridge simply by opening the dispenser and dropping in the new cartridge. The catalog description of Stampin’ Seal says that it’s an instant-bond, permanent adhesive.
I like using Stampin’ Seal. I have to disagree with the “instant-bond” part of the description though. When I’m adhering two things together and haven’t got them quite straight I’ve found that as long as I haven’t pressed the two things together real hard I can carefully separate them and realign them. I find this to work at least 80% of the time. It’s one of my favorite things about this adhesive!
Stampin’ Seal is also easy to use. You just place the end of the dispenser on to your paper, pull to adhere the tape and then lift up. Once in a awhile when you pull to adhere the tape it won’t work but then you just move the wheel on the end of the dispenser with your finger until you feel the adhesive. If you’re in the middle of placing the tape on the paper and it stops you can also just place the end of the dispenser on a section that already has tape on it and start from there. This get the adhesive rolling on the wheel again.

There is also a Stampin’ Seal + adhesive. Stampin’ Seal + adhesive has a stronger bond than regular Stampin’ Seal adhesive. You would use it on 3D projects or on heavier layers such as Foil Sheets or Glimmer Paper.
Stampin’ Seal + is similar to Stampin’ Seal in that it comes on a replaceable cartridge in it’s own dispenser. The dispensers for both of the adhesives are exactly the same. The cartridges of the two adhesives are the same size but different colors. The Stampin’ Seal + cartridge is a dark blue while the cartridge for the Stampin’ Seal is a light blue. This makes it easy to distinguish between the two.

The last type of tape that Stampin’ Up! carries is Tear & Tape. This used to be the only strong tape adhesive that Stampin’ Up! carried. You would use Tear & Tape in the same situations that you would use Stampin’ Seal +. Tear & Tape is “a strong adhesive with tearable paper backing for easy sticking”.
To use, you tear a length of Tear & Tape off the roll, adhere it to your paper, remove the backing and adhere the paper where you want it.
Each type of tape has it’s own uses. Of course I have all three in my craft room. Do you?
Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!