Journey With Color: The 2024-2026 In-Colors

I’m so excited to get back to our Journey With Color.  This week I want to introduce you to Stampin’ Up!’s new 2024-2026 In-Colors!  These five colors are all soft and pastel-like.  They would fit perfectly in Stampin’ Up!’s Subtle family of colors.  They are beautiful! 

Below you will find a brief description of each color.  I will go into more details about these colors in the upcoming weeks.

Peach Pie is a nice soft orange/peach color.

Petunia Pop is a beautiful pinkish purple.

Pretty in Pink is a lovely “baby pink” color.

Shy Shamrock is a soft, lighter green.

Summer Splash is a light blue in the turquoise family.

These are all great additions to Stampin’ Up!’s color spectrum.  I can’t wait to play with them!