Making Spirits Bright (for Halloween!)

005Making Spirits Bright has got to be one of the cutest stamp sets I’ve seen in a long time.  Yes, it may be because I enjoy an adult beverage now and then but I really do like this stamp set!  The images are cute but I think what I really like are the sentiments!

The sentiment on this stamp set is too cute!  “Bring on the Boos”!  Ha!

This is a pretty simple card.  I stamped the bat from Tee-Hee-Hee all over the Tangerine Tango card stock.  The glass and sentiment are all on the same stamp from Making Spirits Bright.  I colored the image, added a few layers and of course some ribbon and my card was done!

Yesterday I had a couple of brand new stampers in my class and it was so fun to see how excited they got when they completed a card.  It was a great reminder of why I do this…not just because I enjoy it but because of the joy it can bring to others.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Ghoulish Greetings!

001It’s another card made with the adorable Freaky Friends stamp set!

I’m participating in an on-line training for my business.  Each week besides business type training we have some type of stamping project that we have to complete.  One of the weeks we had to find a card in the Stampin’ Up! catalog and change the stamp set and colors on it for our card.  I copied the card on page 135 in the catalog that used the Happy Hour stamp set.  It’s a nice and simple design and the little monsters worked perfectly!

This past week was pretty busy but things are looking good for the next week or so.  I’m hoping to catch up on some things both in my business and at home.  We’ll see how far I actually get!  Ha!  The best laid plans……

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

3 x 3 Thursday: Flamingo Lingo!

021Pink flamingos!  How can a card get any better?  🙂

It’s 3 x 3 Thursday and here is another card that I’ve used as a thank you in my orders.   Little cards like this are fun and easy to make.

For some reason I’m extremely busy these days.  I can’t believe it’s almost October!  Sheesh!  I have events to plan and cut for as well as my every day (boring) chores.  I’d just like to sit down and play with all of my new toys from the Holiday Catalog.  I see so many adorable samples that I want to copy but I just don’t have the time!  🙁

I guess I should try to get more organized…..either that or stop playing games on my iPad and reading books!  Do have the same problem?  Is there a little something in your life that you enjoy doing that you shouldn’t do as much as you do?  Leave a comment and let me know.  I’d like to know I’m not the only one who wastes too much time!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Cupcake Party CASE

010Whew!  The problem is fixed!  Thank goodness for forums!  On with the post….

Copy And Share Everything!  We demonstrators love this.  For those of us who seem to never have enough time to create we can just copy someone else’s idea.  I do this quite often.  It’s definitely a life saver….ok….maybe just a time saver!

When I CASE someone else’s project I usually change a little something here or a little something there to kind of make it my own.  This card is CASEd directly from the annual catalog.  Stamp for stamp, color for color…..everything!  It’s such a bright, fun card that I couldn’t resist!  🙂

How can you go wrong on a card using Melon Mambo and Bermuda Bay?  I’m pretty sure these are two of my favorite Stampin’ Up! colors.  What are your favorite colors?  Leave a comment and let me know.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


I Haven’t Forgetten You!

I just wanted to let you know that I’m still around and haven’t forgotten you!  I’m just having a little problem with my blog…..I can’t seem to get the photos in the posts.  Bummer!  How are you going to enjoy all of my cute projects if I can’t post them on my blog!

I’ll be working on this issue today.  Stick with me!  Thanks!


Freaky Friends

004Hello!!!  I’m finally back from another trip to the homeland (MN).  Actually we were in Canada but is there really that much difference?  Ha!  We were at the family cabin working on docks and other projects that needed doing before the snow flies.  I did get to visit with my family a bit so that was nice too.

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down and play with all of my new toys from the fabulous Holiday Catalog.  Oh, no!  I’ve made a few cute projects but not enough.  Today’s card is one I made way back in August (can you believe that September is half over already!).  I used the adorable Freaky Friends stamp set.  It was one of those that didn’t trip my trigger when I first saw it in the catalog because I thought it was too cutesy.  I was pretty sure I’d never use it.  Well….never say never!  I can’t seem to get enough of it!  Ha!  The little monsters are so stinkin’ cute!

After stamping the little images I punched them out with the new Note Tag Punch and added the White and Tangerine Tango Two-Tone Trim.  The designer paper is the fun Motley Monsters pack.  Too cute!

Sheesh!  There’s only about 6 weeks left until Halloween!  I better get some more adorable projects made!  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

A Thanksgiving Making Spirits Bright

060Yep….I love this stamp set!  Making Spirits Bright is absolutely adorable!  I love this Thanksgiving image and the corresponding saying for the inside.  Giving Thanks…That You’re Hosting Instead of Me!  Ha!  Unfortunately I always host Thanksgiving in the neighborhood so I can’t send this card to anyone!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been favoring “simple” or at least “easier” in my card designs.  What’s with that?  I still like ribbon and lots of layers but everything else is simpler.

On this card I did my multiple layers and just added a little of the Color Me Autumn Washi Tape and some of the beautiful Blackberry Bliss Satin Ribbon.  I used markers to color the toothpick top and the olives and I used a blender pen and ink pad to color the liquid in the glass.  That’s it!

What do you have planned for Labor Day?  We’re heading over to the neighbor’s for our Fantasy Football Draft.  Wish me luck!  🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day!  Enjoy your last day of the long weekend!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

A Fun Amazing Birthday!

014Happy Birthday to you!  Today I have a FUN birthday card that will work for anyone.  It’s bright, cheerful and FUN!  Ok…I guess I already mentioned that this card is FUN but I can’t help it….this card just makes me smile!

It has all sorts of bright colors on it and I absolutely LOVE the fun dots on the bottom of the card!

The birthday stamp set is Amazing Birthday.  We received this stamp set at convention.  I shared that project with you back in July.

The dots are from the fun photopolymer set Dotty Angles.  This set has two border type stamps in it that really add some pizzazz to your card.

I hope you all are having an enjoyable holiday weekend.  Enjoy and be safe!


Simple For All Things

053Here’s a lovely fall card for you…perfect for a fall-like morning.  It’s Simple Saturday and this card is definitely simple.

The focal point of this card is the absolutely gorgeous Color Me Autumn Designer Series Paper.  I fell in love with it the minute I saw it at convention.  This paper along with the COORDINATING For All Things stamp set were the only things I purchased at convention.  Isn’t this paper gorgeous?!!!

All I did for this card was  layer the designer paper with some matching card stock and ribbon (Cajun Craze and Mossy Meadow) and stamp the saying from For All Things on it.  That’s it!  It doesn’t get too much more simple!  🙂

Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!

It’s Here! The Holiday Catalog is Here!

HolidayCatalog2014Disclaimer:  I had this post ready to go yesterday but was having problems with the link so I didn’t post it.  (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…)  So here it is finally:

Woo Hoo!  The Holiday Catalog is here and it’s time to start ordering from it!  OK…as a demonstrator I’ve been able to order from it since August 1st but you can order from it now too!

They keep doing it!  Stampin’ Up! keeps coming up with better and better catalogs each time!  This new Holiday Catalog is full of wonderful new products!  Fabulous new stamp sets with coordinating punches or dies for the Big Shot!  You know how I feel about coordination and I am EXCITED!  You’ve got to check it out!

Here’s the link to a page by page look at the catalog or you can view all of the fabulous products here in my online store.  You’re going to LOVE it!

063When I think “holidays” Christmas is usually the first thing that comes to mind so I figured I should post a Christmas card for you!

I used the ADORABLE Making Spirits Bright stamp set on this card along with the fun Trim the Tree Designer Series Paper Stack.  Too fun!  I love this stamp set.  It’s the first one in the Holiday Catalog that caught my eye.  It has images for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentines Day, New Years and Birthdays!  Woo Hoo!  The little sayings that go with it are pretty fun too.

Enjoy the new Holiday Catalog!  Be sure to let me know if you need a copy!  Have a great day and Happy Stamping!

For All Things in Blackberry Bliss

058As I mentioned yesterday, I really like the For All Things stamp set.  I also really like the, yes, COORDINATING, Color Me Autumn Designer Paper.  Who doesn’t love COORDINATION?!!!  🙂

For this simple card I used them both with matching ribbon of course!  The 3/8″ Stitched Satin Ribbon in the 2014-2016 In Colors is gorgeous!  It’s one of my favorite ribbons .  It’s pretty, and just about the perfect width.   Here I’ve used the Blackberry Bliss of course since it COORDINATES with the designer paper!  I’d really have a hard time making a card without products that coordinate.  How about you?

This card turned out pretty nice….it’s a shame I can’t figure out how to adhere a piece of card stock to it and make it straight!  Sheesh!  Just pretend you don’t notice that the piece with the sentiment on it is crooked….

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Layered For All Things

068I promised you something from the new Holiday Catalog and here it is!  My first card!

For All Things was the first stamp set I knew I had to have from the Holiday Catalog.  I love fall and cooler weather.  Give me jeans and a sweatshirt over shorts and a tank top any day!

This is just a simple card with some layers.  The colors I used on this card are Mossy Meadow, Cajun Craze, Soft Suede  and Hello Honey.  I did stamp the sentiment in Blackberry Bliss but if I made the card again I’d probably stick with the darker colors already on the card .

The squiggly lines are from the Chalk Lines stamp set.  Pretty fun.  It’s one of the border sets in the new regular catalog.  I guess I can stop calling it new since it’s been out for almost three months now….hmmmm…!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Beautiful….The Open Sea

014This is another swap I received from convention.  Isn’t it nice?  I love getting swaps using older stamp sets.  It gives me more ideas for the stamp sets sitting on my shelf!

This card was made by one of the male demonstrators at convention.  They’re few and far between but we do have them.

I also love getting ideas for cards for guys!  You can only make so many cards with flowers!

Are you ready for the Holiday Catalog?  Thursday is the BIG day!  If you haven’t seen it yet it’s FABULOUS!  Check back in the next few days…I’ll be giving you a sneak peek!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Fun and Kinda Eclectic

016Once again I owe you an apology for being such a slacker!  I keep putting off writing my blog posts.

I think I’m back though.  My Open House is over and I have all of the card stock cut for next week’s classes.  Today I plan to design!  Ok…I need to clean a bit too but since that’s not real fun I’m not going to mention it!

This is a card I received at convention.  It’s hard to tell from the picture but both the section with the butterflies and the striped section flip up.  Isn’t that a unique design?   I’ll have to try that some time.

The colors Hello Honey and Blackberry Bliss go so well together.  I really like how when Stampin’ Up! introduces In-Colors every year that they coordinate so well together and with the other colors.  It makes it so much easier to design a card!  🙂

The Kinda Eclectic stamp set is definitely one that keeps growing on me.  I was glad when I found out that we’d be getting it at convention.  When I first saw it in the new catalog I knew it wasn’t one I’d be purchasing right away but I’ve so many cute cards with it now.  I’m glad I have it!

It’s a bit chilly this morning but I better go for my walk before I put it off completely!  Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


Generations.0814Yesterday I went to a Shoebox Swap at my up-line Tara’s house.  As we were chatting beforehand I looked around and realized that there were 5 levels of my team there!  How fun is that?!

Tara is on the right side of the picture.  Next, going to the left of the photo, is me, my down-line Andrea, her down-line Janet and Janet’s down-line Angela.

Wouldn’t you like to be part of this fun team?  Click here to sign up today!  We’d love to have you join us!

We made lots of fun cards at the swap.  Check in later this week to check out some of them.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!