Convention Treat Bag

IMG_6092Yes, I’m still trying to catch up after convention.  I had my BIG Sale on Tuesday.  It went well but I had TONS of stuff left over that needs to be donated or taken to the consignment store.  I just need to get it out of here!  I have a few items from the new Holiday Catalog (you’re gonna LOVE it!) still sitting in a box and I can place a BIG order from the Holiday Catalog next Tuesday so I need to make room for it!  You can only have so many boxes of stuff sitting around before your husband starts talking divorce!  😉

Anyway, this adorable (if I do say so myself) gift bag was what I gave my little group of friends at convention.  In it I put a small little stylus for their tablet or phone, a “pearl” necklace” for the Roaring 20’s party on Awards Night and of course chocolate!   I also gave them a 20’s headband with feather that didn’t fit in the little bag.

This little gift bag was SO easy to make.  The little Kraft bags are fun to decorate and are perfect for gifts.  I do like that Watermelon Wonder!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Convention2015.3I know I’m a little behind but it takes a few days to recuperate from a wild weekend with the girls!  🙂  Ok…we weren’t necessarily wild but we did have plenty of fun!

This was actually taken exactly one week ago, the day we arrived in Salt Lake City.  We wandered around the convention center before dinner and they had this little set for us.  Perfect for pictures so that’s what we did.  Luckily some other gals had the same idea so we had someone to photograph us.  🙂

From the left we have Laura C., Jan, myself with Laura K. (who had to cancel at the last minute but didn’t want to miss the fun) and Janet.

Convention was great.  We came back with tons of fabulous ideas and of course we got a sneak peek at the Holiday Catalog!  All I can say is start saving those pennies!  It’s another wonderful catalog that you’re going to love!  As a convention attendee we were able to order some select products from the upcoming catalog.  Mine should be here today!  Woo Hoo!  I can’t wait to start playing!  🙂

Have a wonderful day.  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Definitely Dahlia Convention Swap

IMG_6078Day 2 of convention!  Woo Hoo!  Have you checked out what we’ve been doing on my Facebook page?  🙂

Here’s my last swap card.  Don’t you LOVE this color combination?  Neither of these colors (Blushing Bride and Tip Top Taupe) did anything for me separately but together I think they’re gorgeous!  I have used Tip Top Taupe recently since it’s one of the new In-Colors but Blushing Bride was collecting dust in my stamp room until I saw these two together.

Dahlias are a special flower in my family.  My mom grows them.  I tried when I had a yard big enough for a garden. And my grandpa used to grow them and enter them in competitions.  It’s one of the few flowers I can actually name!  I certainly didn’t inherit the family green thumb!

Yes, I got the idea for this card from Pinterest.  Where else would I get ideas?  Ha!  I love the soft look of the stamped off Watercolor Wash under the dahlia.  I couldn’t figure out what stamp set to use for the sentiment so I used the new Greetings Thinlits.  Perfect!  What’s your favorite part of this card?

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Remarkable You Swap Card

IMG_6087It’s Day 1 of convention.  Woo Hoo!  I can’t wait to find out what Stampin’ Up! has in store for us this year!

Here’s another one of my swap cards.  I bet you can tell that I LOVE this card.  Isn’t the Melon Mambo and the Basic Black striking together?  I LOVE it!  And yes, it’s my new favorite size card.  I LOVE it!  OK…I think you’ve got that figured out.  🙂

Have you watercolored on the Shimmery White card stock yet?  That’s what I did on this card.  I almost like using it better than watercolor paper.  It’s a completely different look.  Which do you like better?

Another new “thing” that you’ll start noticing on my cards is the same color layered on the same color.  If you click on the picture and look closely, you’ll be able to see that there is a thin layer of black under the Melon Mambo layer which is then layered on the black card front.  I think it adds an elegant look to the card.  What do you think?

Be sure to check out my Stamp by Stamp Facebook page to check out what’s going on at convention!  Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Awesomely Artistic Swap Card


Woo Hoo!  I’m off to convention!

I love heading to Salt Lake City to spend time with my Stampin’ sisters (and brothers!)  We have so much fun together!  If you want to see some pictures of the crazy things we’re doing be sure to follow my Stamp by Stamp Creations Facebook page.

This card is one of my swaps.  I made about 25 of these that I’ll trade for someone else’s card.  This is such a fun way to get ideas!  I really like this color combination of Cucumber Crush and Night of Navy.  It works perfectly for the fireflies and the ferns!

I was a little intimidated by the Awesomely Artistic stamp set.  As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t do random very well.  I know…it’s pretty weird but I’m just being honest with you!  Ha!  All in all though I think my “randomness” turned out ok here.

Don’t you love the little bit of lace sticking out at the bottom of the Cucumber Crush piece?  Just enough to add interest.  Of course the more I look at this picture I realize that I didn’t get it on quite straight.  Oh well….

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!  Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook!

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Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

Build a Birthday.1.0615Yep!  It’s that time of the year again.  Cindy is having yet another birthday.  We all get older so we may as well embrace it and enjoy it!  Right?  🙂

I designed this card (ok…I CASEd it!) for a class but it’s the perfect card to send to ME for my birthday.  It’s PINK!!!  I love this color combination of Melon Mambo and Smoky Slate.  It’s so happy!

There were a number of years in a row that I got to celebrate my birthday during convention.  That was always a blast.   This year we don’t leave for convention until tomorrow but don’t worry…..I’ll make sure we celebrate my birthday while we’re in Salt Lake City.  It’s all about me, right?  Ha!  There was a while that it really was all about me.  I’d be the one to always win a door prize or I’d be the one chosen to do something special.  It got to be a running joke.  My luck has run out but I’m still pretty good at being the center of attention.  Ha again!

I don’t have any big plans today other than making sure I have everything ready for convention and having lunch with a friend.    Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Summery Sprinkles of Life

Sprinkles of Life.0615Do you have the Sprinkles of Life stamp set yet?  If not, you  really should!  Its a great, versatile stamp set AND there’s a COORDINATING punch!  How great is that?  I know I mentioned before that this stamp set is this year’s Ronald McDonald Charities stamp set.  This stamp set is probably one of my all time favorites.  Last year’s Flamingo Lingo set is definitely at the top of the list though since I have this thing for flamingos.  🙂

I CASEd this card from my friend Laura and then of course had to change it.   I can’t just copy something exactly.  That would be way too easy!  Ha!

The focal point is straight from Laura’s card but I changed up the rest of the colors and the sentiment.

With the coordinating Tree Builder Punch I was able to punch out both the bunch of leaves in the basket and all of the little flowers.  I stamped my flowers in Real Red and then used my Blender Pen to color them in.  The teeny tiny pearls for the centers of the flowers really make them pop.

I need to get to work on setting up my retired products sale.  I’m having it a few days after convention so I want to get as much done as I can before I go.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Remarkable You Sympathy

Remarkable You.0615Today’s card is a lovely yet easy sympathy card.  These flowers were so simple to color.  I just took a little Smoky Slate to the shadows, some Pear Pizzazz to the stems and a little Crushed Curry around the centers.  Easy Peasy and my card is almost done!

The paper piercing really adds to the card don’t you think?  The card would be a little too plain without it.  I really need to get my paper piercing tools out a little more.  I especially want to use the templates that coordinate with stamps.  I usually just do borders or corners like this and there’s so much more that you can do!  Do you paper pierce much?  If so, send me a picture of your card.  I’d love to see it!

Convention is just a few days away and I can hardly wait!  Woo Hoo!  My little group is heading out on Wednesday for our wild little weekend.  Ha!  We always have such a fun time!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Award Winning Barnyard Babies

Barnyard Babies.0615I told you I loved these 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″ cards!  They’re so stinkin’ cute!  I can’t get enough of them!

Same goes for the Barnyard Babies stamp set.  All of these critters are absolutely ADORABLE!  I’m not sure I can narrow my favorite down to one of them.  They’re all equally adorable.  Which one is your favorite?

I stamped Molly Moo (that’s what I named her) on watercolor paper with the Black StazOn ink and colored her in with my ink pads and Aquapainter.  That’s about it.  A little stamping of blue ribbons for the background, a couple of layers and my card is done!  🙂

I’ve also made these fun 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″ cards with the cute pig and the fun little duck.  Of course you’re going to have to wait to see them!  Stay tuned!

Speaking of staying tuned….don’t forget to follow me on Facebook to keep tabs on all the antics of my SASsy Stampers group at convention next week!  We get a little crazy…..just sayin’!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Build a Birthday

IMG_6052Happy Birthday!

I know tons of people who have birthdays in July (including me!)  Do you?  🙂

This is a fun and easy birthday card that I can send out.  Actually, I will probably send it to my son!  Whew…I have the card, now I just need to figure out what to get him for a gift!

This cake on a pedestal is SO easy to stamp because the stamp set is photopolymer.  Not sure what photopolymer is?  Think CLEAR!  Yep!  You can see exactly where to place all those layers!

I think I’ve mentioned before that Watermelon Wonder is my favorite new In-Color.  If I haven’t, now you know!  I love how perfectly it goes with Bermuda Bay.  It’s definitely a fun and festive color combination!

I thought there was a little too much excess white space on the card so I decided to add the mini brads.  Candy Dots would look great too but we made this card in a class and I would have had to buy quite a few packages of Candy Dots for all three of my classes.  Mini brads were definitely the cheaper choice.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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New Weekly Deals From Stampin’ Up!

Wow!  Check out this week’s Weekly Deals!  I may need at least one of everything!  Well, I do have the Gift Box Punch Board and the Handpicked Framelits so I probably don’t need them.  But everything else I can definitely use!  Good thing I planned on placing an order this week!  I think I’m going to go add them to my wish list right now!  How about you?!!  Remember that if there’s an item below that you’d like just click on it and it will take you directly to my online store!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


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Garden In Bloom

Garden In Bloom.0615I’m exhausted!  I’ve been cleaning like a fiend.  My cousin’s daughter is moving to Denver from Chicago and is going to stay with us until she can find an apartment.  Since she could be with us for a month or so I had to clean out the closet and the dresser in the extra bedroom.  It was rough.  Those areas haven’t been looked at since my son moved out almost four years ago.

I feel pretty good about it though.  I’ve been on a mission this year to go through every room in the house and this room just ended up getting to the top of the list faster.  I’ve got a charity pick-up coming today and our garbage collector is in for a little more work today too.

On to the card!  It’s Pink!  How can I not love it? Ha!

Garden In Bloom was one of the first stamp sets I had to get.  I’m in love with the soft watercolor look.  There’s quite a few with this soft look and I have them all!  Yes, I’m a hoarder which makes my mission I told you about above a little more difficult.  My Big Sale is on the 28th and I’m pricing my retired things to go.  I have to get them out of my house!

I can’t help it.  I can’t get enough of the 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″ card.  For some strange reason I want to make all my cards this size.  It is a nice size though.  Especially when you have smaller focal points.  This card could have probably been made into a full size card but it’s so cute and compact this way.  I know….I’m a little weird.  That’s why you love me though!  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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New In-Color Watercolor Wings

Watercolor Wings.0615

One last butterfly card from the All About Butterflies Class.  This one is pretty much CASEd (Copy And Share Everything) from Stampin’ Up!.  Isn’t it great?  I love all of the layers and of course the new butterfly from Watercolor Wings is gorgeous…..even in Tip Top Taupe!

In my class my customers had a choice of any of the five new In-Colors.  We had to use the In-Colors so we could use the fun little In-Color Blossom Accent on the card.  🙂

The doily on the card is actually the back side of one of the new Metallic Foil Doilies.  Pretty clever, huh?  It’s hard to see in the photo but I die cut a small butterfly from Vellum Card stock that is on top of the large butterfly.  There is also some of the fun new Metallic Thread squiggled underneath the little butterfly.  Click on the picture and you’ll be able to see it much larger.  You’ll get a better idea of all of the details on this fun card.

As with most of the die-cut or punched butterflies I put on a card I only put the adhesive on the body so that the wings will pop up a little bit.  I usually either just fold the wings up a little or curl them slightly with my bone folder.  (Think curling paper ribbon with your scissors).

This is it for the recent butterfly cards.  I hope you’ve enjoyed them.  Have a great day.  Take care and Happy Stamping!

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Papillon Potpourri

Papillon Potpourri.0615I think this is actually one of my favorite butterfly cards of all the ones I’ve been sharing.  I can’t quite put my finger on why I like it so much but I do.  What do you think about it?

I made a little template with my 2 1/2″ Circle Punch to stamp the Hardwood design through.  It’s hard to tell from the picture but I also stamped the Hardwood design on the front of the card.

I used sponge daubers to dab the color on butterfly before punching it out and I only put glue on the body of the butterfly to adhere it to the card.  I did this so that the wings would pop up a little.  And of course I had to a bling to the card to finish it off!  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


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Butterfly Basics Collage

Butterfly Basics.1Hello!  It’s another butterfly card!  So many butterflies. So little time. Ha!

This is actually one of the first cards I made with the Butterfly Basics stamp set way back when it was in the Occasions Catalog.  I really like this color combination of Soft Suede and Bermuda Bay.  What do you think?  When I originally made the card I used  Coastal Cabana and Baked Brown Sugar but I think this new combination is a little more vibrant.

I didn’t think that butterflies were really my thing but I’ve been having a lot of fun making cards with butterflies on them.  I may actually have to make more.  I do love this butterfly framelit.  It’s so delicate looking and really makes a statement on the card.  Do you have a favorite butterfly product?  Let me know what you think?

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


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