Journey With Color: Lemon Lolly

Lemon Lolly is the color we’re going to talk about in today’s Journey With Color.  What a beautiful soft yellow color!  I hate to say it, but in my opinion, I’m glad Stampin’ Up! retired So Saffron and replaced it with this lovely yellow. 

The first photo here shows Lemon Lolly with the other two Stampin’ Up! yellows as well as with So Saffron which it replaced.  It’s a good addition.  This lighter, softer yellow was needed

In this second photo you can see how Lemon Lolly works with other Stampin’ Up! colors.  I think I like it best with the blues but it does look nice with most of the other colors.

Lastly you can see the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has come up with in their Color Coach.  All three of these combinations are nice but my eye is first drawn to the last combination with the purples.

I’m excited to start using this lovely new color.  How about you?  Have a great day.  Take care and Happy Stamping!