It’s All About the Love!

heartHappy January 14th!   There’s only one month until Valentines Day and there’s so much I want to share with you!  There are some great products in the new Occasions Catalog that are perfect for Valentines Day but before I jump into sharing those with you I want to share something else.

Not only is February the month of love, it is also my anniversary with number-15Stampin’ Up!  This coming February 12th I will have been a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator for 15 years!  Yes!  15 years!!!!  And I still LOVE it!  I was talking to a gal the other day and she asked me how long I’ve been doing Stampin’ Up!.  When I told her, she was amazed and told me how she can still see how much I love doing it.  That’s important.  We should always love what we do!  I’m glad my love and joy of creating and Stampin’ Up! shows in what I do.

Have you noticed the byline on all the catalogs this past year?  “Love It.  Live It.  Share It.”  It definitely speaks to me.  I do pretty much live card making.  If I’m not designing and preparing for a Stampin’ Up! class or Stamp Camp I’m designing and preparing projects for my card group at church.  I’m proud and excited to be doing this for 15 years!

Since this is such a big occasion I think we need to celebrate the entire month of February!  I’m not sure how we’ll celebrate but we will!  Be sure to keep reading my blog posts and checking my Facebook Page to see what’s going on!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!