Welcome to Cruise the Catalog!

Cruise The Catalog

During June’s Cruise The Catalog event I will be sharing Stampin’ Up!’s new 2020-2021 Annual Catalog with you.  I will be sharing with you in emails, Facebook Posts and Blog Posts things that I don’t want you to miss while looking at the new catalog.  I will be sharing videos, posts, and projects highlighting the catalog itself as well as the new products in it.

I won’t be sharing the same information on all platforms so you’ll want to check out all of them throughout the month.  I also won’t be sharing on all platforms every day.

  • You’re reading this on my blog so you’ve got that covered.
  • You can make sure that you’re on my mailing list by either emailing me (cindy@stampbystampcreations.com) with a request to add you or you can sign up right here on my blog. Just look for the sign-up box to the right of this post.
  • You can find my Stamp By Stamp Facebook page here.  Head on over and like the page so you don’t miss anything there.

I’m pretty excited about this cruise and I hope you are too!  Thanks for joining me!  Here’s to smooth sailing!  😀