They’re FREE!

Have you checked out Stampin’ Up!’s new ink pads yet?  They are wonderful!  Here are some of the ways they’ve been improved:

  1.  Easier to open.  You now just flip up the lid (like opening a compact) and slide it back over the base.  Easy peasy.
  2. The lids have a much tighter fit.  This means the lids won’t pop off as easily as before.  They’re a little harder to open at first but they’ll loosen a bit as you use them.
  3. The ink pads are stackable.  The bottoms of the ink pads have tiny little knobs in the corners and the tops have little indentations to make them stackable.
  4. The ink pads are slightly smaller in size.
  5. The ink has a defoamer in it so that you will get a cleaner, crisper stamped image.

07.01.2018_SHAREABLE2_INK_PAD_USNow that I’ve shared with you how wonderful these new ink pads are let me share with you some exciting news!  You can get a FREE color family of 10 new ink pads when you sign up to be a demonstrator during the month of July!  That’s right!  Not only will you get to choose $125 of merchandise for only $99 with your starter kit but you will also get to choose a color family of ink pads that you will get for free also!  Now that is a great deal!  Oh….before I forget to tell you….the shipping is FREE on your Starter Kit!  Woo Hoo!

The great thing about being a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator is that you can be whatever type of demonstrator you’d like.

You can be a Hobby Demonstrator who is just interested in the 20% discount on all Stampin’ Up! products and the early access to those great products.

You can be a Demonstrator who wants to earn a little extra money for your family and work the hours that fit into your family’s schedule.

You can be a Demonstrator who does it all.  Recruit, Sell, PromoteEarn a trip to Thailand or the Greek Isles.

The beauty of being a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator is that you can DO IT YOUR WAY!  Do it just for the discount or run a business your way.  It’s all up to YOU!

Don’t forget that as a demonstrator you have the opportunity to attend Stampin’ Up! events with your fellow demonstrators.  (One of my favorite parts!).  The next event is a big 30th Anniversary event in Orlando, Florida in November.  Registration for that begins August 14th so become a demonstrator today so you can join us for the fun!  🙂

I would love to have you join my team of SASsy Stampers!  Please contact me with any questions you may have on this great opportunity.  The free ink pad special is only available through July 31st so don’t miss out.  If you’re ready to sign up today simply click here!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!