Hello! I’m still recovering from Thanksgiving. Last night we hosted our annual “Left-over Night”. Yes, just another excuse to get together with friends and eat more but we always have a good time! This is one of my table decorations from Thanksgiving. I had all of this Stampin’ Up! tulle in my drawer and wanted something easy to do with it. Ta-da! Tie a bow around a wine glass, add a little sand and a candle and you have a table decoration! This isn’t a great picture but it gives you an idea of what I did. Change the tulle to Cherry Cobbler and add a red or green candle for your Christmas table. I do have to give you a little tip. My wine glasses (12 for $10!) had a narrower top than bowl and once the candles melted we had a bit of trouble getting them out of the wine glass! Just a little something to think about!
I saw this picture on Facebook yesterday and just had to share. It was made just for me! Ha!