Hot Diggity Dog!

007How about this fun and easy card for a Simple Saturday?  I’m not really a dog person but this card sure is adorable!

The new Hot Diggity Dog stamp set is so cute….it has little dog heads and little dog bodies so you can come up with your own breed of dog!  Ha!

The ribbon and the fun new Large Polka Dot Embossing Folder really make this cute card stand out.  Thanks Gina L. for such an adorable card!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Saturday!

Awesome Flower Patch Card

011Here’s a cheerful card for a Friday morning!   In the next few days I’ll be showing you a few of the swaps I received at convention.

This card made me smile when I received it.   It kind of says “summer”, doesn’t it?     Thank you Sharon B.

When I first saw the Flower Patch stamp set in the catalog it looked fun and I liked it but my comment to myself was “do I really need a another flower stamp set?”.  Apparently the answer was yes!  How could I pass it up when it has a COORDINATING framelit set?!!!  The Flower Flair Framelit set makes the Flower Patch stamp set so easy and versatile to use!  Too fun!  Of course the sentiments in this stamp set are fun and different too.    I’ve actually used the stamp set and coordinating framelits in my last two classes!  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Work of Art Grapes

018This is the beautiful birthday card I received from my dear friend Laura last month.  Isn’t it fun?  We both enjoy a nice glass of wine and she had just returned from a trip to Italy so it’s perfect!

Laura used the fun Work of Art stamp set to make the grapes and the leaves.  The stem is made from one of the squiggles in the What’s Your Type stamp set.  It’s amazing what you can do with a few different shapes!

Sorry that I haven’t been real consistent with my posts.  I’m trying to get ready for my retired sale/open house next week as well as play with my new toys from the FABULOUS Holiday Catalog.  You’re going to LOVE it!  Stay tuned for some projects made with these new items.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Cute and Rustic

009I always think burlap makes things look a bit rustic.  Doesn’t it add a fun aspect to this card?  My upline, Tara, designed this card and we made it a Shoebox Swap quite a while ago.  I’ve been hanging on to it for a while to use in a class which I recently did.

It’s a rather simple card but it still says “Look at Me!”.  The Bermuda Bay works really well with the Crumb Cake and those Candy Dots are the perfect way to finish off the card!

I always use a liquid glue to adhere the Burlap Ribbon to a card and also to adhere anything to the ribbon.  It’s hard to tell in the picture but I took apart a piece of the Burlap Ribbon to get individual strings of burlap.  This is what I wrapped around the center of the butterfly.

I have another busy day in store.  I’m getting ready for my sale of retired items as well as trying to get a head start on designing for future classes.  Wish me luck!  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Flower Patch!

006Yes, I’ve been absent all week.  I’m not sure why.  Just busy with this, that and the other I guess.  It’s time to get back in the game though and stay on top of things.

Here’s a fun and easy card for a Friday.  I used the really fun new stamp set Flower Patch and the COORDINATING Flower Fair framelits!  You know how much I like coordination!  🙂

This is the card I designed just so I could use the gorgeous Calypso Coral Seam Binding!  Who else do you know that designs a card around the embellishments?!  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


Kind Koala

010When I first saw the new catalog the Kind Koala stamp was one I thought was absolutely adorable but didn’t think I really needed….ha!  It was one of the first stamps I purchased!

I wasn’t sure what to do with the adorable little critter so I decided to go simple.  I stamped him on Smoky Slate card stock and just colored the flower in with my Chalk Marker.  Of course I then had to add a bunch of layers and some ribbon.  I also used my favorite new embossing folder:  Zig Zag.  Too fun!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Simple Saturday: You Rock!

035It’s got everything:  layers, ribbon, designer paper and it’s still simple!  🙂

We made this card at my team meeting last Saturday.  Cute, simple and fun!  The image is from the single stamp “You Rock” and the designer paper is from the Flowerpot pack.  Isn’t the Calypso Coral Seam Binding gorgeous?  It’s just so bright and true to color!  I love it!  I had to design a card just so I could use that ribbon!  We made it in class last week and I’ll show it to you in the next few days.

This card just makes me smile.  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Be the Star!

013Stars are so fun and they’re really big this year.  Wait until you see the new Holiday Catalog (wink, wink!)!  The big star and the saying are from the new Be the Star stamp set and the small star is from the Something to Say stamp set.

Not only are these stars cute but there’s COORDINATION involved!  Yep, my favorite word!  Be the Star coordinates with the Stars Framelits while the small star from Something to Say can be punched out with the little star punch in the Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack.  Coordination!  Woo Hoo!!!!

Isn’t this a fun card?  It definitely brightens the cold and wet day we’re having here in Denver today!  I CASEd the basic design of the card.  I think the double tags are kind of fun, don’t you?   Of course you can’t be sad when you look at these colors either.  Bermuda Bay and Tangelo Twist are just fun colors!

I hope your day is bright and fun!  Have a good one!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


032It’s Technique Tuesday and I have a fun and simple technique for you.  Swiping!  At least that what I call it….

This is another card we made at our event on Saturday.  My friend and convention roomie, Laura C., designed this card.  Isn’t it beautiful?

Laura used the “Swiping” technique on this card.  She started by simply swiping the opened So Saffron ink pad across the top of the Whisper White card stock and then repeating the technique on the bottom with the Pool Party ink pad.  How fun is that?  The Old Olive ink is sponged to form the grass.  Wow!  Simple yet striking!  I love it!

The birds and grasses are from the Wetlands stamp set.  The sentiment is from the And Many More stamp set.  I told you we had fun on Saturday!  🙂

Time to get ready for today’s classes.  It should be interesting because they closed my street to resurface it!  I hope the girls don’t have to walk to far to get to my house!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Amazing Birthday With Stars!

028Hello!  On Saturday I had a team meeting/shoebox swap for my team and some of my Stampin’ Sisters.  We had a really nice time.  We talked about all of the fun those of us who went to convention had as well as what’s going on in the world of Stampin’ Up!.

The best part was our shoebox swap.  With a shoebox swap every participant designs a card and brings everything needed to make that card in…you got it….a shoebox! (or some other type of container)  🙂

We made some really fun cards.  This card was designed by Laura K..  Laura joined us at convention this year.  It was her very first one and she had a ball!

Laura used the Amazing Birthday stamp set that we received at convention.  Too fun!  I love all of the stars.  Of course I changed my card up a little from Laura’s sample.  Who wants to stay inside the box?  🙂

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Little Duckies in a Row

027Hello!  Today’s card is one I made as a possible entry for a swap in June.  It didn’t make the cut for the swap (in my opinion) but it is pretty darn cute.  Love the duckies!  🙂

The Something for Baby stamp set is perfect for….well…baby cards!  Ha!  It’s great to have many images to choose from.  I’d have to say that the ducks and the onesie are my favorite images in the stamp set.  Best of all though are the MATCHING Baby’s First Framelits!  Coordination!  My favorite word!  🙂

If you’re wondering how I got my duckies lined up so perfectly it’s because I stamped them and then die cut them with those matching framelits!  I could have mounted the ducks to a plain old rectangle of card stock but I wanted something a little different so I used the new File Tab Framelits on the Whisper White card stock.  Kinda fun, isn’t it?

I made the wave my punching half circles with the 3/4″ Circle Punch.   The Decorative Dots Embossing Folder is still one of my favorites.  Doesn’t it look like bubbles!  I love it!  I hope you like this card as much as I do.  Let me know by leaving a comment.  Thanks!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

3 x 3 Thursday: Sea Street

024It’s 3 x 3 Thursday!  TSC!  Too Stinkin’ Cute!  That’s what I thought when I finished this little card.

The more I use the Sea Street stamp set the more I love it.  All the little critters on it are SO cute!  This little crab is probably my favorite.  It could be because my Zodiac sign is Cancer….  🙂

The little “thanks!” is from the Lots of Thanks stamp set.  It’s fun to have a stamp set that gives you lots of options….we should have more stamp sets like this that give us so many options.   We could have one for birthdays, sympathy cards and more…..Hmmmm….I better mention that to Stampin’ Up!…..

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Amazing Birthday!

001Today is my oldest son’s birthday so I thought I’d share this adorable make-and-take project from convention.  Don’t you love it?!

The stamp set used on this project is the new Amazing Birthday.  It’s a fun birthday set with lots of great images.

The pocket holder for the cards is made from one of pieces from the Gift Card Enclosure Pack (pg. 194 in the catalog).  The pocket holds three note cards and envelopes.  What a great gift!

I have so many little projects and chores to do but I don’t know where to start.  My craft room is a mess, I have a class to prepare for and an open house to get ready for as well as all sorts of other little projects.  At least I have time to work on things this week but it’s trying to get motivated that’s the problem.  Has that ever happened to you?  🙂

I guess I better get to work.  Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!

Paper Pumpkin Sneak Peek!

Convention 2014 350It’s a sneak peek!  Isn’t this little gift bag adorable?  This gift bag is part of the September Paper Pumpkin kit.  Woo Hoo!  In the kit you’ll get enough supplies to make 6 of these fun little bags!  We had a special Paper Pumpkin night at convention and got to make these.   Too fun!

I’m loving Paper Pumpkin.  I got my July kit while I was at convention so I need to get that out in play.  It is pretty darn cute…and the August kit is just as cute!

You really should give Paper Pumpkin a try.  It’s a monthly craft kit that gets delivered right to you!  All you might need for the project is adhesive and scissors.  Everything else is included in the kit!  All for only $19.95 per month (shipping is included)!  Sign up before September 10th with the promo code HALFOFF2 to save 50% off your first two months!

You can go directly to my site and sign up today!  Or go to  Please enter me, Cindy Russell Highlands Ranch CO, as your demonstrator.

Give it a try….you can cancel at any time.  I know you’ll love it!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!


Back from Convention!

10530754_10152568439498966_274825824572240807_nWow!  We definitely had a good time at convention….Well, we always do!  It’s always a blast spending time with friends, old and new.  We get to see new product, learn new techniques and new ways to run our businesses.  I look forward to it every year.

This is one of the make-and-take projects we made at convention.  Definitely not a design I’d come up with but I love this card.  I’m sure we’ll be making it in class sometime or at least something similar to it.

The stamp set is the new Kinda Eclectic set from the new catalog.  I love how the background was made.   We just inked up one side of the Honeycomb Embossing Folder and pressed it on the paper.  Too fun!  I love learning new stuff!

Selfie.0714Speaking of learning new stuff….here is my very first selfie!  I took this on our very first day in Salt Lake City.  We were having a little happy hour in our hotel room.  In the picture you see Jan, myself, Janet and my roomie Laura.  I think it turned out pretty good!  🙂

Well, it’s back to reality.  Time to clean, do laundry and of course, play with my new stamps!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!