Here’s another sympathy card. They’re always tough to make, don’t you think? We actually made this card in classes back in December. Do you think I have enough layers on it? I started out with just a few layers but it didn’t look complete until I had all six, yes six!, layers on it. I know….I got carried away but it sure is a nice looking card!
This would have been perfect for my neighbor. Unfortunately I didn’t have any on had and since I had to start from scratch I figured I’d create something new!
Sunday’s Super Bowl Party went well and we did have tons of wings leftover. That’s what they make freezers for isn’t it? I love throwing these parties but I never actually get to see the game (or the commercials). Every year I keep saying that I’m going to sit and watch the game but then someone new comes in and I have to great them and start chatting away….maybe it would help if I was shy….. HA!
Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!