Happy Turkey Day! I’m excited about a day filled with family, friends and football! Ooo…that reminds me that I need to check my Fantasy Football Team before the games start!
Anyway…back to giving thanks! I am so thankful for…everthing! I am truely blessed and for this I give thanks.
Isn’t this little turkey adorable? We’re back to that darn owl punch! Oh, the things you can do with it! The turkey feathers are made with the paper daisies. I used two colors of ink on each daisy for a little dimension. TSC! Too Stinkin’ Cute!
Well, it’s off to have a little breakfast and start making the stuffing. I already have everything chopped up so it shouldn’t take too long. Of course, then I have to start thinking about peeling 10-15 pounds of potatoes! Yikes! Have a wonderful holiday wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. My company doesn’t come until 3 pm so if I have a chance I’ll come back and show you the cute treat holders I made for everyone and my candle holders.
Take care and have a safe, happy and wonderful Thanksgiving!