Yesterday I mentioned one of the new designer series paper stack from the new Occasions Catalog. I love these little paper stacks because they’re just the right size for a card. The problem I was having with them was how to store them. I’d throw them in a drawer but then I didn’t know what to do with the scraps. I have a system for my 12 x 12 paper and scraps but I didn’t have anything for these smaller pieces.
Lightning struck the other day. I had an empty wood-mount stamp case on my desk and it hit me…..I could store my stacks in the case along with the scraps. Then everything would be all together! Woo Hoo! I must be a genius (NOT!). I was so excited. To know which stack was in which case I slipped a piece of the paper into the plastic sleeve on the case. Now my stacks are organized and they look good on the shelf too! 🙂
Do you have any organization/storage tips to share? I’d love to hear from you. 2015 is the year of organization for me!
Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!