Card Sketch & Challenge!

It’s a new month so I think it’s time to try something new.  We’re going to move on from Tools of the Trade to Card Sketches!

What is a Card Sketch?  It’s exactly what the name says.  It’s a sketch of a design you can use as the basis for your card.  Many of us have a difficult time making decisions.  (Yep!  That’s me!).  A card sketch gives you the design starting point for your card.  From there you choose the stamp set, colors and embellishments you want to add to the card.

You can come up with your own card sketches but I’ve found this fabulous site called Freshly Made Sketches that has almost 500 sketches on it and they keep adding to it! Be sure to check it out sometime! I will be sharing one of their sketches every week along with the card I make using it.

When using a card sketch you can keep your project as close to the sketch as you want.  As you can see on my card, I kept the basic elements of the shape in the upper left corner with the diagonal strips behind it.  But I added to that.  I (naturally) added a couple of layers and I also added a sentiment on the front of my card.

Working with card sketches should be pretty fun.  I don’t think I’ve worked with them much.  Here’s my challenge for you.  My challenge for you is to make a card using this sketch and send it to me.  I really would like to see what you do with the sketch.  Then, I would like to share your creations on my blog and possibly my Facebook Page (with your permission of course).  You can email your card to me at or add it to the comments for this post. Will you join the challenge and play along?  I hope so!

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping.  Don’t forget to join the challenge!  I can’t wait to see your projects!