Back Once Again

Being away from home and my computer for a little over two weeks was a nice break. I didn’t have to worry about cleaning or figuring out what to post or designing for classes, what to buy at the grocery store… get it, I know. Now I’m back and it’s time to get back on schedule.

We traveled back to MN for my nephew’s wedding but we also squeezed in a trip to the family cabin. It was nice to have both my boys and my daughter-in-law with us.

We do clean up well!
Bride Emma and Groom Matt
Mom, Dad and their three girls
The three sisters: Cindy, Linda and Lori

It was a fun wedding but it was HOT! My hair looked quite nice before I left the house but the humidity was in the “tropical” level and any body I had went completely flat.

It was a nice time away but it sure is good to be home. Now if I can just get motivated again!

Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!