I’m back from the northlands of MN/WI and Canada. Vacation was busy but fun. We spent a week in Canada at my husband’s family cabin where we caught tons of fish and ate too much The picture to the left is me with the big walleye that I caught on our very last day. Everyone else had been catching big fish all week but I waited to the end. We caught enough for two meals during the week, froze some and even were able to bring 8 fish home for my parents! It was great. It’s nice and relaxing up there with no one around.
After Canada we headed back to Minneapolis for my niece’s graduation party. It was good seeing relatives and friends that I hadn’t seen for a while. Then it was on to WI to my parent’s cabin for a few days where we relaxed and visited with my sisters, parents, nieces and my cousin from Chicago.
Then it was back to fiery Colorado. It was rather scary watching the national news say that the whole state of Colorado was on fire. (Not really, it just sounds more sensational that way.) We did have friends in Colorado Springs that had to evacuate but they’re already back in their house. Please keep all of the firefighters, homeowners and business owners in your prayers. Pray for cooler weather and RAIN!
Here are a couple of the other big fish we caught in Canada. That’s my son Jared on the right and his girlfriend Margot on the left. Like I said, it was good fishing!
Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!