Color, Color Everywhere!

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Stampin’ Up! is all about color. They’ve got their core colors that work so well together and they also have the In-Colors that they change up every year to stay current.

How many colors does Stampin’ Up! have in any one year, including the In-Colors? If you said 50 you are correct. There are 4 color families with 10 colors in each family and then there are 10 In-Colors. This does not include Basic Black and Whisper White.

With so many Stampin’ Up! colors to choose from at any one time do you have a favorite? I do! But I’m not going to tell you what it is until the end of them month!

I’m not going to tell you because July is my birthday month and throughout the month we’re playing “How Well Do You Know the Birthday Gal?” On my blog here and on my Facebook Page I’ll randomly be posting questions about me! If you know the answer or would like to make a guess just leave a comment with your answer/guess. A points will given for leaving a comment and 3 points will be given for the correct answer! Of course there will be a prize at the end of the game!

My question today is actually 2-part…

  1. What is my favorite color? (generically)
  2. What is my favorite current Stampin’ Up! color?

And yes, points will be given for both questions. 😀

Leave a comment now and answer the questions for you chance at a prize I think you’ll enjoy. Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!