Technique Tuesday: Hello Cupcake Pop Up Slider Card

Hello Cupcake2.0119 Hello Cupcake1.0119I love Fancy Folds and new techniques/types of cards.  The card that I CASEd (Copy and Share Everything) for Stamp Camp is called a Pop Up Slider Card.

Isn’t this a fun type of card?  Everyone at Stamp Camp really enjoyed making it.  The card is designed so that when you pull up on the ribbon the card stock slides up to open the “shutter” (this is what I call it) to reveal your message.  Too fun!

I used the new Stitched Rectangle Framelits to create the opening of my shutter.  I know…your question is how did I do that so it only cut on three sides?  Ha!  The answer is SO easy.  Of course I had to watch a video to figure it out but I will share the answer is with you.  🙂

You will make your regular Big Shot “sandwich” with the two clear plates but instead of just placing the top plate over the card stock and framelit you will line up the top clear plate just underneath the top edge of the rectangular framelit.  This way the top of edge of the framelit doesn’t cut!  Amazing!  Why can’t I think of things like this on my own!?  When you do this you your cutting plates aren’t even over the platform.  I found it worked best when I sent the overlapping edge of the top framelit through the Big Shot first. (see photo below). Pop-up Slider Collage

Pop-up Slider Card.1Pop-up Slider Card.1aThe next step is to make your “shutter” by scoring across this “flap” that you made.  I scored across the flap at the top of my shutter.  Then I scored about 1/4″ from the bottom of the shutter and once in the middle.  The two outside score lines will be valley folds and the middle score line will be mountain fold.

To attached your slider piece you will turn the cardstock over and attach the slider piece ONLY to the 1/4″ area of the “shutter”.  This is how the slider pulls the shutter open.  This slider piece is a little wider than the window opening.

These tips for the Pop Up Slider card are the most difficult steps for the card.  Just remember that when you attach this piece of cardstock to the next layer don’t get your adhesive too close to the slider piece….if you do, your slider won’t slide.

To make the rest of the card you simply layer things and decorate.  You can find the complete directions for my Hello Cupcake Pop Up Slider Card here.  Be sure to contact me with any questions you may have.

Have a great day!  Take care and Happy Stamping!