I made this card yesterday and I just had to share it with you right away. It turned out exactly how I had hoped!
A friend from high school has a daughter getting married next week back in Minnesota so I needed to make a wedding card and get it in the mail. Yes, I’ve know about the wedding for awhile but just hadn’t got around to creating! This is the story of my life….procrastinate. Sheesh!
Anyway, I searched pinterest for a card and wasn’t seeing anything I liked. Oh…there were beautiful, fancy cards but this isn’t a fancy-dancy wedding. The wedding and reception are in a barn! How fun is that?!
I was seeing a lot of cards with these die-cut hearts and knew I wanted to use them but I still hadn’t found exactly what I wanted. Then I came across this gem and knew I was on the right track. Check out the picture of a portion of the wedding invite….the colors were almost perfect! I just made a few minor changes and the card was perfect! I love when my fellow demonstrators give me that boost of inspiration that I need. Thanks Amy!
I guess I better go and get this card in the mail! Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!